Daily work and all work matter to God.
An integrated approach to serving God in our work is needed.

The Faith, Work and Economics Forum

The Faith, Work and Economics Forum invites students and professionals to ask hard questions, explore thought-provoking content, pursue Truth together and dialogue to understand and live out the biblical meaning of work. As a direct result of engagement in forums, we want people to make wise decisions that transform their lives and society. We want to empower them to curate their careers and work with intentionality, wisdom and purpose.



We were made by God with unique gifts to play a vital role in society and His kingdom. We must be good stewards of those gifts, striving to exercise our gifts to the best of our ability.


Deep within each one of us is a hunger to be fulfilled in everything we do; a hunger to feel significant and successful. The key to satisfying this hunger is working diligently, purposefully and faithfully so that God is glorified and everyone around us is flourishing.


We facilitate connections among professionals across industries and companies to bring flourishing to Accra and beyond.

Common good

We are called to serve others and society with our gifts, talents, time and resources.