Unleashed is an initiative helps people thrive emotionally, personally, professionally, mentally and spiritually through mentorship relationships and connect groups.

Youth can avoid professional and personal pitfalls with the support and partnership of a mentor. With their mentors, mentees discover their purpose, are challenged to grow in biblical wisdom and character; and obtain the practical support they need to succeed professionally and personally. We match mentees with mentors that understand their challenges and realities, share common interests and personalities and know how to effectively support them.

People often go through various life challenges alone. They may respond well to counseling; however, living their lives in isolation or without the care and discipleship of committed like minded people often leave them vulnerable. One of the best ways to connect with God and grow as a person is to connect with other like-minded people on a regular basis. Connect groups are great ways to help people meet, talk about life, do life together, build authentic relationships, receive prayer and be vulnerable, grow in Biblical wisdom and have a supportive community and family to grow personally and spiritually in. Each group is different; however, connect groups offer a variety of activities, food and games to help people enjoy each other. It is something that one can look forward to amidst a busy week.
