Philosopher Nicholas Maxwell defines wisdom as the capacity, the desire, and the active endeavor to realize what is of value in life, for oneself and others.
From social media to newsletters, podcasts, blogs, books and research literature, we are constantly inundated with information.
Knowledge and information are produced and disseminated every single second.
As beings that need information to thrive, grow and flourish,
how do we not only select the right and most useful information, but also know how to use and apply it rightly, soundly and justly to yield impact?
Knowledge must be accompanied by wisdom in order to extract meaning and significance from information. Wisdom is an understanding of the complex relationships
between our existence, the natural human condition, drivers of human suffering, our limitations and possibilities, and their implications.
Wisdom helps us to interpret knowledge by using human and moral values to guide action to solve problems, create opportunities, and increase the well being of all.
Wisdom promotes flourishing, resilience, endurance, and perseverance. We need wisdom in not only counseling others,
but also in designing and implementing research and resilient social programs.
ISCW imparts wisdom and facilitates individuals and organizations’ growth in and use of wisdom to tackle challenges and take action.